Investment in fire safety by South Kesteven District Council

Safety work to protect tenants of South Kesteven District Council will be secured with the award of a £1 million two-year contract, if it is agreed at next week's Cabinet meeting.

The contract is for installation of new fire doors and associated safety works identified as part of a fire door inspection programme.

Cabinet Member for Housing and Planning, Cllr Phil Dilks, said: "As a responsible social landlord we take the safety of our tenants extremely seriously. We are pleased to have the option of securing the services of Global HSE Solutions for the foreseeable future.

"The Council has recently put in place measures to communicate and be responsive to the needs of tenants. These include provision of a dedicated team to respond to queries, implementing new systems and processes to ensure repairs and inspections are managed more effectively, and ensuring that it has the right team in place to manage the housing service."

The Cabinet is being recommended to approves the award of a contract and associated work to Global HSE Solutions Ltd for a two-year period with the option for two one-year extensions. The estimated contract value is £500,000 per year for the life of the contract. 

South Kesteven District Council has a clear commitment in its Corporate Plan 2020-2023 to provide "Housing that meets the needs of all residents".

The Council has statutory and regulatory obligations to maintain and repair some 5,900 properties, which is reflected in the size of the contract awarded.

Cllr Dilks added: "Fire safety is a key housing compliance obligation and the requirement to ensure compliant fire door installation with the necessary certification and maintenance is essential to ensuring the ongoing health and safety of our tenants, which this contract enables us to deliver."

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