Have your say on council’s Corporate Plan

Residents have the chance to shape one of South Kesteven District Council’s most important documents – its Corporate Plan.

The Corporate Plan is the driver for setting the Council’s vision, priorities and the actions taken to achieve them.

A four-week consultation starts today asking for comments on SKDC’s plans, priorities, and ambitions through to 2027.

The Council is seeking views on its proposed vision, mission statement, priorities, ambitions and required outcomes, with a focus on five key areas:

  • Connecting Communities
  • A Sustainable South Kesteven
  • Enabling Economic Opportunity
  • High Quality Affordable Housing
  • Being an Effective Council

Cllr Richard Cleaver, Leader of South Kesteven District Council, said: “As well as setting out the areas we need to concentrate on most, our Corporate Plan will play a key role in ensuring the district is well prepared to face all the challenges ahead.

“We really want to hear everyone’s views on our priorities and ambitions, and particularly what they think should be our priority areas of focus. Please use this opportunity to have your say.

“We can then make sure that our resources are directed towards services, projects and initiatives that everyone agrees are priorities to help the district flourish.”

Our ambitions include:

  • Partnership working with the voluntary, private and public sectors to support the delivery of community projects
  • Leading by example to continue reducing SKDC’s operational carbon footprint by 30% from 2019 and before 2030
  • Ensuring adequate supplies of suitable land are allocated for commercial and employment use and developed through the Local Plan
  • Working with developers and landlords to ensure the delivery of sustainable, affordable and high-quality housing
  • Managing council resources and assets effectively with open and accountable decision-making

The consultation is open until December 19th 2023.

To take part follow this link: www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/SKCPG2024

Printed copies of the survey are also available on request by phoning Customer Services on 01476 406080.

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