Former Councillor Rosemary Kaberry-Brown

Tributes are being paid to a former Chairman of South Kesteven District Council, Rosemary Kaberry-Brown, whose funeral takes place next week.

The Chairman of the Council, Cllr Gloria Johnson, said: "Rosemary was one of our longest-serving members of the council when she stood down in May and although she had experienced recent poor health her death was a shock to us all.

"She served with the Council almost 20 years, representing Peascliffe & Ridgeway ward, and her passing is a great loss to South Kesteven. She will be missed for the contribution she made."

Council Leader Cllr Richard Cleaver added: "Elected members were shocked and saddened to receive this news and will pay tribute to Rosemary at the next meeting of the full Council. A message of condolence is being sent to her family.

"Rosemary was Chairman here in 2012-13, having been elected as the representative for Peascliffe & Ridgeway ward, previously known as Witham Valley, in 2003, meaning she served for more than 19 years.

"She was Vice-Chairman of the Rural Overview and Scrutiny Committee from 2017 to 2019 and a member of the Planning and Licensing Committees. Her dedication to the community she served will be missed."

The funeral will take place on Tuesday 29th August at 2.30pm, at St Wulfram's Church, Grantham, followed by interment to be attended by family members only.

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