Energy efficiency upgrades are under way across South Kesteven

Council houses across the District are to benefit from cost-cutting energy efficiency upgrades as part of a £7.26m scheme delivered by South Kesteven District Council.

Funding from the Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund Wave 2.1 will provide energy efficiency measures for over 300 households across the District.

It is estimated that the energy efficiency measures could save tenants up to £400 a year on energy bills.

Cllr Phil Dilks, Cabinet Member for Housing and Planning, said: "Alongside the Council's wider work to reduce carbon emissions and tackle climate change, this programme will support us to meet our ambition to be net-zero carbon as soon as viable before 2050.

"These measures will also help tenants to reduce their energy usage, provide improved living environments and to lower energy bills."

Alongside a grant from the Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund, an additional £3,847,516.82 will be met from the Council's Housing Revenue Account.

The Council have partnered with E.ON to deliver the energy cutting and cost saving measures which include loft and cavity wall insultation as well as heat pumps and solar panel installation.

Upgrades available through the scheme could offer a range of benefits, including:

  • Lowering energy bills
  • Improving energy efficiency
  • Providing an improved living environment
  • Reducing noise for a quieter home
  • Protecting the environment with a renewable energy source

Eligible tenants have been contacted to arrange a home assessment and explore the measures available to them.

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