Council Chairman shares Armistice Day with Army Reservists

South Kesteven District Council Chairman Cllr Gloria Johnson helped to inspect Army Reservists at their Pass Off Parade at Prince William of Gloucester Barracks on Saturday.

Cllr Johnson chatted to men and women among more than 60 Reservists who had completed their training, alongside Inspecting Officer Col Mark Simpson and Grantham Station Commander Lt Col Di Youngman.

The day was made special thanks to its Armistice Day timing, with a private Service of Remembrance held on the parade ground before the latest cohort of Reserves graduated in front of friends and families.

Cllr Johnson, who laid one of six wreaths during the service, said: “It was a fantastic day, especially given the Armistice Day timing, and one I will always remember.  

“I had a rare opportunity to talk to some very special people of all ages who have signed up to the Army Reserve force.  It was incredible to hear their stories and what motivated them to join.”

She was later presented with a framed and Army-badged memento of the day with a photo showing her talking to Reservists.

Cllr Johnson was joined at the parade and service by SKDC Leader Cllr Richard Cleaver, Armed Forces Champion Cllr Richard Dixon-Warren, Cllr Rhea Rayside, Cllr Patsy Ellis, Cllr Helen Crawford and SKDC officers.

South Kesteven District Council Chairman Cllr Gloria Johnson, inspecting Reserve troops at their Pass Off Parade.

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