Change on the way for household recycling in South Kesteven

More than 68,000 households across South Kesteven are to receive information packs explaining how their recycling collections are about to change.

From early February 2024, South Kesteven District Council will collect paper and cardboard separately from the rest of the domestic household recycling.

From that date, paper and cardboard must be put into a new, purple-lidded bin.

The clean, dry paper and card will then be taken directly to a dedicated paper mill for recycling into paper-based products. This cannot happen if paper or card is contaminated by other kinds of waste.

The distinctive new bins will start to be delivered to people’s homes in the next few weeks, ready for the launch of the new system next Spring.

The information pack being posted to every home contains a letter to residents, a leaflet about what goes in each bin – and the popular annual bin collection calendar for South Kesteven.

Householders currently place waste paper and card in the silver recycling bin. This means it is often mixed with other materials and can become contaminated with food waste, liquid, or broken glass, which makes it almost impossible to recycle efficiently.

SKDC Deputy Chief Executive, Richard Wyles, said: “Together, we need to do all we can to help our environment by reducing the amount of waste we produce and reusing items where we can.

“Our trained SKDC team, in partnership with Lincolnshire County Council, will work hard to help everyone get ready for this change, and we are already hosting information roadshows across the district to put people in the picture.”

Residents need to keep putting paper and card into the silver bin until SKDC notifies them to start using the purple-lidded bin in February. 

This project follows the successful implementation of this new collection across North Kesteven, Boston Borough, West Lindsey and East Lindsey District Councils.

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