Call for co-ordinated approach on Barrowby developments

A planning handbook to help three developers launch a co-ordinated building programme across fields at Barrowby, near Grantham, is expected to receive support from South Kesteven District Councillors next week.

SKDC's Cabinet will be asked to approve a document aimed at securing a balanced residential development across all three pockets of land at Low Road, Barrowby.

They are already subject to rules set out in the Local Plan - but the developers must work together to ensure all requirements are met between them.

Cabinet Member for Housing and Planning, Cllr Phil Dilks, said: "This Masterplan document looks at how they can produce a high quality scheme that is a good fit with the planning guidelines set out for this area.

"This would meet the Council's vision in the Corporate Plan to be the best district in which to live, work and visit.

"The site is already allocated for residential development in the Local Plan. The developers will need to work out who does what and this document ensure they co-operate in a co-ordinated approach."

Land at Low Road/Reedings Road, Barrowby, is allocated for the development of up to 270 new dwellings at a maximum density of 35 dwellings per hectare.

The Local Plan allocation site is under the control of Persimmon Homes (northern area), Allison Homes (southern area) and Platform Housing Group (western area).

Although site ownership falls under three separate landholdings, it is a single allocation in the adopted Local Plan, which means the development principles cover the site as a whole.

The Masterplan document has been the subject of public consultation as part of the normal planning application process.

It is recommended Cabinet approves the proposed Comprehensive Masterplan.

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