Bid to improve community safety through CCTV control room move

Moves to relocate South Kesteven's CCTV control room will bring closer co-operation between the police and the district council, which runs more than 70 cameras.

They cover public open spaces in Grantham, Stamford, Bourne and The Deepings, and are monitored 24/7 by council staff.

Next week's Cabinet meeting is recommended to approve the relocation of the Control Room to Grantham Police Station - and approve a budget amendment of £16,800 for work essential to the switch. This would be funded from SKDC reserves.

Benefits brought about by the move would include:

  • A faster timeline for police to review CCTV footage
  • Provision of modern facilities
  • Reduction in operating costs from the current location

Cabinet Member for People and Communities, Cllr Rhea Rayside, said in a report to Cabinet: "The relocation of our award-winning CCTV control room operation would strengthen our working relationship with the local policing team, and support improved community safety within the District."

The CCTV control room has been located at a site currently owned by the Council for a number of years. 

The office accommodation is dated and constraints at the current location include limited space, parking provision and the proximity to SKDC's partners who require access to the surveillance information.  

A location has been identified at Grantham Police Station on Swingbridge Road for the control room, but preparatory work is needed.

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