Bare chests for men's billboard health message

Breast cancer awareness is going full technicolour on a six metre electronic billboard in Grantham with a message aimed mainly at men.

Eye-catching imagery of eight bare-chested men will hammer home the point that men can suffer from the disease as well as women.

The huge Alight Media billboard on Harlaxton Road will show the advert every five minutes between 5am and midnight during October's Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

Carrying a message about how many men are diagnosed with breast cancer in the UK every year, it's estimated that the billboard will be seen almost 100,000 times over the month.

It's the latest health awareness drive by Grantham breast cancer survivor and tireless campaigner Rachael Bradley, an officer at South Kesteven District Council.

The advertisement features two men from the Council's refuse crews who operate its bright pink refuse freighter inscribed with unmissable breast cancer health messaging.

They are joined by other council staff including Deputy Chief Executive Richard Wyles and community and business representatives such as ASDA community champion Ian Firth.

Richard said: "This is an extremely important message presented in an eye-catching way and I didn't hesitate to help.  We are incredibly proud of the work that Rachael does to spread awareness of the risks to both men and women from this dreadful disease."

"This one is all about the boys," said Rachael.  "I am so grateful to all those guys who agreed to strip off to help with this.  They all just said yes as soon as I asked, with real enthusiasm. Sadly, I wasn't able to fit in everyone that said yes."

"Around 400 men are diagnosed with breast cancer every year in the UK. Men have breast tissue as well as women and so can develop the disease. 

"I know first-hand what it's like to suffer breast cancer.  The message is the same. Know your normal and if something's not right, go and seek professional help and advice. Knowing your normal & early detection could save your life."

Alight Media has sponsored the screen time as a charitable gesture with photography sponsored by PVS Media.

Alight business development manager Anne Warren said:  "We are delighted to help. I have suffered breast cancer myself and I know how important it is to spread awareness.  If this advertising helps to save even one life it will have done its job."

Rachael's work to help others through her creation of support group Breast Friends Grantham led to her selection as a baton-bearer in the Queen's Baton Relay through Grantham before the 2022 Commonwealth Games.

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