Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards

The landlords of all privately rented accommodation must hold a valid Energy Performance Certificate (EPC)

Presently, landlords of relevant domestic private rented properties cannot issue a new tenancy or renew or extend an existing tenancy agreement if the property has no Energy Performance Certificate (EPC)  or an EPC rating  of  band F or G unless the landlord has a valid exemption.

If the landlord has established that there is a valid exemption, it must be registered on the national PRS Exemptions Register. There is no charge to register an exemption and you can also use this service to search for exemptions.  For more details or to establish if an exemption may apply view the guidance documents here.

Landlords should also be aware that EPCs are valid for 10 years and must be renewed if the property is to be re-let or the tenancy renewed. If a landlord has made improvements to the property which could affect the energy efficiency but has not commissioned a new EPC because the existing one was still less than 10 years old, an updated EPC will be required.

Landlords may be able to access Energy Company Obligation (ECO) funding to help them improve the energy efficiency of their properties, for further information contact any of the energy suppliers to find out how they may be able to help or contact the  Energy Saving Advice Service on 0300 123 1234.

Landlords with existing tenants in properties with an EPC rating of band F or G must act now to avoid breaching their requirements.

The Council is actively reviewing privately rented property EPC's and may take enforcement action, including serving fixed penalty notices (FPN's), against any landlords who are in breach.

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