Assisted Garden Maintenance Scheme

South Kesteven District Councils Street Scene team carry out grounds’ maintenance services and provide help with the upkeep of lawns and hedgerows for our most vulnerable tenants.

The scheme is principally aimed at tenants who, for reasons of age, a medical condition or ongoing poor health are not able to look after their gardens, and who are not able to call on the help of local relatives or friends.

To apply, please complete the application form on the link above.

The assisted garden maintenance scheme is currently free of charge to tenants who satisfy the entitlement criteria:

  • Over 70 years of age or suffering from a disability that would render them unable to complete their own garden maintenance

  • Proof of disability / impairment that prevents applicant from maintaining their garden - this must be DLA or mobility component of PIP or Attendance Allowance

  • No local family or friends within 10-mile radius that can assist

  • No able-bodied person in household that can assist

  • Rent arrears of less than four weeks

*Subject to inspection by an Estate Officer to determine that the Assisted Garden Maintenance scheme is applicable to the applicant

For more information, please contact

*Please note that applicants can be removed from the scheme, for instance if there are continued issues with access or any breaches of tenancy or notices in force.

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