South Kesteven Economic Development Strategy 2024 – 2028

Find out how South Kesteven is supporting the development of the local economy.

South Kesteven Economic Development Strategy 2024 - 2028

Our vision for the area is that:

South Kesteven has a thriving, innovative and diverse economy and is recognised as a great place to live, visit, invest and do business. The District’s economy is growing strongly, through the retention, growth and attraction of knowledge-intensive services, generating high quality jobs, with productivity levels above the regional median and wages above the national average.

To achieve this the strategy  focuses on five areas where it is believed the Council is likely to have greatest influence to overcome key challenges to economic prosperity and set a path to achieving the vision for South Kesteven in 2028, as follows:

1) Business, job creation and employment safeguarding

2) Skills development

3) Inclusive growth and regeneration

4) Inward investment

5) Enhancing South Kesteven’s tourism and visitor economy offer

This strategy is best seen as a living, dynamic document which requires the Council to build a comprehensive system ensuring all partners and stakeholders across the District are making decisions that support it.

The full strategy can be reviewed here

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