Contaminated Land Strategy Consultation

South Kesteven District Council’s Contaminated Land Strategy sets out how contaminated land will be identified, managed and made safe through planning and development control processes and remediation action, when necessary.

Demonstrating how the Council will meet its obligations under part 2A of the Environmental Protection Act 1990, and that these actions are well integrated and consistent with planning processes, the strategy includes details of:

  • The characteristics of the district – including its geological make up
  • The legislation that the Council is governed by
  • The classification used by SKDC to determine if land is contaminated or not
  • The processes and procedures the Council will follow when remediate action is required

As part of the consultation process, local people, as well as landowners, organisations and other stakeholders, are being asked for their opinion on SKDC’s approach.

To view the Council’s draft Contaminated Land Strategy, please click here.

To take part in SKDC's Contaminated Land Strategy Consultation, please click here.

Your feedback will inform the decision the Council will make about this strategy toward the end of this year.


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