Can I give my tenancy to someone else?

If you are a secure tenant you may be able to pass your tenancy to a family member if you don't want to live in the property any more.

You could pass it to:

  • your husband, wife or partner (including same sex couples and civil partners)
  • your son, daughter, parent, grandparent, grandchild, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, nephew or niece. This relative must have lived with you for the previous year as their only home - we will need to see evidence of this

A tenancy cannot be assigned to friends who live in the property.

We must give permission before a tenancy can be assigned to someone else.


Secure tenants have the right to take in lodgers, subject to the following:

  • there must be no overcrowding
  • if you receive housing benefit, you must inform us so that we can re-assess your benefit
  • your lodger will not have security of tenure
  • you will be responsible for legally evicting your lodger if you want them to leave
  • you will be responsible for the behaviour of your lodger and may be liable if they breach any of the terms of your tenancy

For further information, please submit an enquiry

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