You can make a representation by downloading the form below.
There are several important things you should consider when making a representation.
Your representation:
should be evidence-based, must not be frivolous or vexatious and must be relevant to one or more of the four following licensing objectives:
prevention of crime and disorder
public safety
protection of children from harm
prevention of public nuisance
will be rejected if it is considered insincere, unreasonably obstructive or repetitious
must be made in writing
should include your full name and address (any anonymous correspondence will be rejected)
must be received within 28 calendar days of the date of the application
must provide in detail any evidence relied upon to back up your points
is a matter of public record, sent in full to the licence applicant and submitted to the committee hearing
If a relevant representation is made, unless any agreement can be reached beforehand, a hearing of the council's licensing committee will be held to consider it. Relevant parties will be invited to comment on the representation made. The interested party may choose to rely on their written representation if they so wish. After consideration the licensing sub-committee may:
grant the application
amend the application to promote the licensing objectives
reject the application
If you wish to withdraw any representations you may do so in writing, providing it is no later than 24 hours before any hearing, or orally at the hearing.
You may also apply to us for a review of a premises licence at any time.
Further information can be found in our 'Making representations guidance' below.