Bourne Organ Club
Third Wednesday of each month
7.45pm - 10.30pm
Come along and enjoy great organ music concerts with Bourne Organ Club.
£4.00 for non members
£3.00 for members
For more info email
Crowland Modern Sequence Dancers
Fourth Saturday of each month
7.30pm - 11.30pm
Modern Sequence Dancing is based on the standard ballroom and Latin dances including waltz, quickstep, foxtrot and rumba and is a social style of dance where everyone dances the same 16 bar routine together. It's great fun and a good way to meet new people. Everyone is welcome.
£3.00 on the door
Bourne U3A
Third Monday of every month
Join Bourne U3A and enjoy education and entertainment by a variety of speakers at each monthly meeting. This is followed by light refreshments in a friendly atmosphere where old friendships are renewed and new ones made. Visitors can attend two meetings before deciding whether they would like to become a member.
More info on their website
National Blood Service Donor Sessions
Selected dates:
1.00pm - 3.30pm and 6.00pm - 7.30pm
Further information on dates is available at
U3A New Age Kurling
Second and fourth Wednesday of the month
10am - 12pm
Contact: Val Palmer - 01778 394998