Voter ID at Polling Stations

All voters are now required to take photo ID to vote at a polling station at elections.

All voters are required to show an accepted form of photographic identification (photo ID) at a polling station before they are given a ballot paper.  

The Government introduced this law in the Elections Act 2022, and it took effect for the first time in England on 4 May 2023.   

Voter ID - Your Guide

Voter ID Plain Text Guide

Voter ID Easy Read Guide

What if you don't have one of these forms of ID?

If you do not have any of these accepted photo ID documents and want to vote at the polling station, you can apply for Voter Authority Certificate - a free photographic identification document specific for the purposes of voting.


Acceptable forms of Photo ID

The accepted forms of ID at polling stations are:- 

  • Passport issued by the UK, any of the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man, A British Overseas Territory

  • Passport or passport card issued by an EEA state or a country whose citizens are Commonwealth citizens

  • Photocard driving licence (includes a provisional licence) issued by the UK, any of the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man or EEA state

  • Biometric immigration document 

  • Identity card bearing the Proof of Age Standards Scheme hologram (a PASS card)

  • Ministry of Defence Form 90 (Defence Identity Card)

  • Ministry of Defence Form 100 (HM Armed Forces Veteran Card) - with effect from elections held from 1 May 2025

  • Blue Badge scheme photocard parking permit

  • National identity card issued by an EEA state

  • Older Person's Bus Pass / Concessionary Travel pass/card (in Lincolnshire, this is the Older person or Disability bus pass issued by Lincolnshire County Council)

  • a Disabled Person's Bus Pass

  • an Oyster 60+ Card

  • Freedom Pass

  • Electoral Identity Card for Northern Ireland

  • National Entitlement Card issued by a local authority in Scotland

  • 60 and Over Welsh Concessionary Travel Card issued in Wales

  • Disabled Person's Welsh Concessionary Travel Card issued in Wales

  • Senior SmartPass issued in Northern Ireland

  • Registered Blind SmartPass or Blind Person's SmartPass issued in Northern Ireland

  • War Disablement SmartPass issued in Northern Ireland

  • 60+ SmartPass issued in Northern Ireland

  • Half Fare SmartPass issued in Northern Ireland

  • Electoral Identity Card issued in Northern Ireland 

  • Voter Authority Certificate (for those without other photo ID) - applications can be made online at or by a paper form. Further information provided below.

  • Anonymous Elector Document - email the elections team or calling on 01476 406080 to find out how to apply for this type of document

Voters must bring a suitable form of photographic ID to  their polling station. 

Expired ID can still be used as long as the photo remains a good likeness of you. 

Only original documents will be accepted, scanned images or copies will not be accepted.

Apply for a Voter Authority Certificate

If you do not have any of these Acceptable forms of photo ID and want to vote at the polling station, you can need to apply for Voter Authority Certificate. Applications must be made by 5pm six working days before an election.

Apply for Voter Authority Certificate

When you apply, you will need the following

1. A passport quality photograph;

2. Your National Insurance Number; and

3. Your date of birth

Can I apply using a paper form?

You can also submit an application on a paper application form.

A copy of the paper application form can also be requested by emailing the elections team or calling on 01476 406080; or

What if I need assistance in completing an application?

If you can't apply online and need assistance you can apply in person to South Kesteven District Council. Contact the Elections Team to make an appointment - email or call 01476 406080.

Frequently asked questions - Voter ID

What forms of ID are acceptable as Voter ID?

You can use any of the following accepted forms of photo ID when voting at a polling station.

  • The accepted forms of ID at polling stations are:- 

  • Passport issued by the UK, any of the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man, A British Overseas Territory

  • Passport or passport card issued by an EEA state or a country whose citizens are Commonwealth citizens

  • Photocard driving licence (includes a provisional licence) issued by the UK, any of the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man or EEA state

  • Biometric immigration document 

  • Identity card bearing the Proof of Age Standards Scheme hologram (a PASS card)

  • Ministry of Defence Form 90 (Defence Identity Card)

  • Ministry of Defence Form 100 (HM Armed Forces Veteran Card) - with effect from elections held from 1 May 2025

  • Blue Badge scheme photocard parking permit

  • National identity card issued by an EEA state

  • Older Person's Bus Pass / Concessionary Travel pass/card (in Lincolnshire, this is the Older person or Disability bus pass issued by Lincolnshire County Council)

  • a Disabled Person's Bus Pass

  • an Oyster 60+ Card

  • Freedom Pass

  • Electoral Identity Card for Northern Ireland

  • National Entitlement Card issued by a local authority in Scotland

  • 60 and Over Welsh Concessionary Travel Card issued in Wales

  • Disabled Person's Welsh Concessionary Travel Card issued in Wales

  • Senior SmartPass issued in Northern Ireland

  • Registered Blind SmartPass or Blind Person's SmartPass issued in Northern Ireland

  • War Disablement SmartPass issued in Northern Ireland

  • 60+ SmartPass issued in Northern Ireland

  • Half Fare SmartPass issued in Northern Ireland

  • Electoral Identity Card issued in Northern Ireland 

  • Voter Authority Certificate

  • Anonymous Elector's Document

Can I use out of date ID?

You can still use your photo ID if it's out of date, as long as it looks like you.

The name on your ID should be the same name you used to register to vote.

Can I use a photocopy of my ID, or a photo of my ID on my phone?

No - you must bring the original ID with you to vote at the polling station. We cannot accept copies, or photographs of ID.

What if I haven't got an acceptable form of ID?

You can apply for a free voter ID document, known as a Voter Authority Certificate, if:

  • you don't have an accepted form of photo ID

  • you're not sure whether your photo ID still looks like you

  • you're worried about using an existing form of ID for any other reason

You need to register to vote before applying for a Voter Authority Certificate.

What if you can't produce photo ID and don't want to apply for a Voter Authority Certificate?

Voters who do not produce a Voter Authority Certificate, or valid photo ID will not be allowed to vote at a polling station.

Voters who vote by post will not have to provide photo ID to vote.

What is the deadline to apply for a free voter ID?

If you need to apply for a voter ID, you need to make the application by 5.00pm six working days before an election.

What happens on polling day?

Elections will take place as usual.

Your Poll Card will advise you which Polling Station you should go to cast your vote, on polling day, between 7am and 10pm.

Because of the need to check ID, you should anticipate the process of receiving your ballot paper taking a little longer than usual and the possibility of short queues forming at busy times.

No personal details will be taken from the ID you use.

What if a voter is transgender or non-binary and hasn't got ID with the correct name or photo?

You can apply for a free voter ID document, known as a Voter Authority Certificate. For this document, you provide an up to date photograph.

Your name on the electoral register can be updated by providing evidence of a name change - such as a deed poll. To do this, you should contact us.

My photo ID is in an old name - what do I do?

Your ID in your former name is still acceptable (as long as it still looks like you)  but you'll need to bring evidence of your name change  (e.g. marriage certificate or deed poll) to the polling station as well.

If you've changed name recently, you should update your name on the electoral register by emailing us evidence of your name change.

I'm registered to vote anonymously - how does voter ID work for me?

If you're registered to vote anonymously and want to vote in person, you'll need to apply for an Anonymous Electors Document.

Find out more about registering to vote anonymously and how to vote anonymously.

What if I can't get online or need support with my application?

If you can't get online and want to request a paper application form, please contact us.

If you need assistance to apply, you can make an appointment to get help at the Council Offices in Grantham - contact the elections team on 01476 406080.

I'm a postal voter - do I need ID now?

No - you won't need to present any ID as your identification is verified by your signature and date of birth

If you want to apply to vote by post, download a form or you can request a form by emailing the elections team or calling on 01476 406080.

I'm not registered to vote, what do I do?

If you're not registered, you can apply online. if you also need to apply for a voter ID, register first and then make a voter ID application. You can do these at the same time, as long as you register to vote first. 

How can I check if I'm registered to vote?

If you recieve a poll card then you are registered to vote. If you are not sure if you are registered (especially if you have changed address recently) then you can email us (including your current address) or call the elections team on 01476 406080 .

I have lost my photo ID and the deadline to apply for a voter ID has now passed. What do I do?

If you have lost your ID and it is after the deadline for applying for a voter authority certificate (which is 5pm six working days before an election) you can apply for an emergency proxy vote. In order to do this, you should email us or phone the elections team on 01476 406080 and we will discuss this option with you and get the correct forms to you.

When will my voter ID expire? Do I need to re-apply if I change address?

The free voter ID (also known as a voter authority certificate) dosen't have an expiry date - but we expect them to last roughly 10 years, as you will need to continue to look like the photograph. You don't need to re-apply for a voter ID if you change address - you can still use the ID you have. You will just need to register to vote if you have changed address.

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